Zbigniew Radziemski was born in Wrocław, Poland in 1948. He lives in US since 1986. His father was born in Dobra near Turek and settled after WWII in Wrocław. Some of his siblings stayed in Dobra, other moved to other places in Poland and one brother to Germany.
In 1998 Zbigniew was introduced to Leon Radziemski by mutual friends. Having their fathers born in Poland less that 40 miles from each other, Zbigniew and Leon discussed possibility of being distant cousins. This is how our genealogy journey started. We were able to find ancestors in Poland that go back to ~1760, but we still have to find a connection between our trees.

Leon Radziemski was born in Worcester MA in 1937. His Leon Sr. father emigrated from Poland to Worcester in 1927. He was born in Barczygłow in State Miasto, a suburb of Konin. In Worcester he joined his father and mother who had emigrated around 1908, and several siblings who were born in the US. A brother and sister remained in Poland. In 2009 I found and connected with my first cousin, my father’s brother’s daughter who lives near Konin. We have visited her and that area several times. Since then I have been very interested in developing my family tree, which is now known back to 1760 in Poland.
Bernard Radzimski was born in Opole, Poland in 1947. His passion with genealogy of Radzimski’s family began about 8 years ago. So far he has compiled at least eight trees of various Radzimskis’ and Radziemskis’ families from such places in Poland as Sługocinek, Barczygłów, Lisiec Wielki, Mąkoszyn, Malanów, Dobra, Jeziorsko and Warta. His searches have resulted so far in a database that consists of almost 1200 records from the year 1750 to the current date. Bernard was the main co-organizer of the first Reunion of Radzimskis’ family that took place on May 14, 2014 in Kragola near Konin. Eighty people attended this event.
Bernard has documented his genealogical findings in three books: 1. Genealogy of Radziemskis’ (Radzimskis’) families from area of Sługocinek, Lisiec Wielki, and Krągola, 2. All my life: Autobiography of Bernard Radziemski and 3. History of Radzimski’s Ancestors (Supplement to the book #1).
Bernard Radzimski’s activities have brought closer many families with Radzimski’s heritage who lived currently in Poland and abroad.